One Month

February 17 marked exactly one month here in Uganda. The time has flown so fast! I often ask my friends to pinch me because being here still feels like a dream. The adjustment has been with ease and I wake up *most mornings excited for the day and ready to see what God has in store.

*Most- meaning there have been moments I want to run straight to my home in Lakewood where it's familiar and safe.
Last week, I traveled back to the capitol Kampala to finalize the registration process at the national nursing council. I traveled with my friend, Allyson, who has been living in Kabale for 5 months working as a volunteer through World Renew. I learned that there was another mzungu volunteering in Kabale just a couple week before arriving and was so excited! She has been an answer to prayer and I thank God for her and for her friendship and support. Her friend, Sarah, also journeyed with us and we had such a lovely “girls trip” to the city. We took walks to Lake Victoria, braved street food, explored farms, slept late, shopped and even found a pool to cool off in.

After Kampala, I moved from the Bishop’s home in town to my new home in the village, Kinyu. Not many people know of this village, but I love it! I love seeing the stars at night, waking up to roosters crowing, seeing goats and cows walk right outside my window, hearing children laugh… the list can go on. However, what I love most are the people I am with. I met Pastor Dickson and Agnes 6 years ago the first time I came Uganda. I remember teaching guitar to Dickson and Agnes taught me how to make chapatis. Now, these two have been married for a couple of years and they have a 14-month-old baby named Emmanuel (or JJ). JJ was first hesitant to trust the mzungu, but now he comes to me freely (and will soon be calling me auntie). Dickson’s brother, Ably, also lives there along with Rachel, who is a secondary student (higschool). Living there is so sweet and I am so thankful to be welcomed into this family.

I am still in the “honey-moon” phase here in Uganda and am soaking everything in. I don’t mind waking up at 6AM to try to light the charcoal stove so I can have hot water for my instant coffee. I’m happy when I only cut my fingers a couple of times while preparing dinner. I enjoy getting caught in the rain or when random kids run up to me for hugs. I know this phase won't last, so I will enjoy it while I can:) 

-I am officially registered to volunteer as an RN and hope to start work in the hospital on Monday! The process was long and tedious, but I believe it will be well worth the wait.
-Bethany CRC team is coming early June and dates are finally set! 
-My sister (nyangoma) has purchased her ticket and will be visiting at the end of June! 
-I am healed (from maybe worms?)- Not really sure what took me down, but I wasn't well for a good 24 hours. So many people placed hands on me and prayed for healing and many friends stopped by to bring fruit and check on me. 

-Continued guidance for ideas and ways to bridge the two churches 
-A lot of my friends here are in need of financial miracles
-Bethany CRC as they are preparing to send a team this summer and for all the logistics involved

Webare (thank you) for your continued prayers and support from around the world! Words cannot express how grateful I am for my home "team." 
If you'd like to keep in touch more on a regular basis, feel free to download WhatsApp and find me there:)

Meet Allyson! My mzungu friend who brings me closer to Jesus every day.
Chapati: a flat coarse of unleavened bread resembling a pancake. AKA a taste of heaven. It's a good day when you have it for breakfast. Or lunch. Or dinner. Or for a snack. :p
D-Reign: A famous Ugandan singer who came to Kabale.

Pastor Dickson (camera shy... not praying) is in the background and Ably is in the white shirt. We are in the kitchen located in the backyard just about the eat the first meal I prepared!
Katogo: A traditional dish in Uganda that is composed of a mixture of different ingredients. I added irish potatoes, G-nuts (Ground nuts), tomatoes, green pepper and some greens.
At the market with Dickson and Agnes. I can't go alone yet because the prices are tripled when they see a Mzungu. I am often the cause of laughter as I mispronounce a word, trip on my skirt or assume the wrong thing. For example, I wanted to buy some fresh green veggies and saw a stack next to me. However, they pointed out (while giggling) that those were definitely not vegetables, but charcoal wrapped in greens. Welp. How would I have known? :D


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