Dating, Give-away Ceremonies, Weddings

Ugandan Traditions During the past 10 months, I've enjoyed learning what dating and marriage looks like in Uganda. Although there are many similarities between the countries, there are definitely more differences. I've had the privilege of attending such gatherings and now want to share what I learned. In America, we date, get engaged and then marry. Here in Uganda, people rarely date, then they have Introductions, Give-away ceremonies and finally the big day. Dating Dating defined: where two people who are attracted to each other spend time together to see if they also can stand to be around each other most of the time (urban dictionary). Dating in Uganda is more like courting. People don't date much, but instead will find one person that he/she is attracted to and will get to know in a group setting. Public display of affection (PDA) is not acceptable and you will never see couples holding hands while walking, and they most definitely will no...