One Month

February 17 marked exactly one month here in Uganda. The time has flown so fast! I often ask my friends to pinch me because being here still feels like a dream. The adjustment has been with ease and I wake up *most mornings excited for the day and ready to see what God has in store. *Most- meaning there have been moments I want to run straight to my home in Lakewood where it's familiar and safe. Last week, I traveled back to the capitol Kampala to finalize the registration process at the national nursing council. I traveled with my friend, Allyson, who has been living in Kabale for 5 months working as a volunteer through World Renew. I learned that there was another mzungu volunteering in Kabale just a couple week before arriving and was so excited! She has been an answer to prayer and I thank God for her and for her friendship and support. Her friend, Sarah, also journeyed with us and we had such a lovely “girls trip” to the city. We took walks to Lake Victoria...